Monday, June 21, 2010

Were You Blessed on Father's Day?

Yesterday was Father's day and my family blessed me hugely! I had a typical Sunday morning full of ministry, but later we just chilled. My kids and wife took me to a movie and then out to eat. Just hanging out and having a lot of fun as a family. No better gift!

Which brings me to the thought - why do we place so much more importance and emphasis on Mother's Day as a society (and even as churches) and not Father's Day? Most of us Dads feel like we get the shaft overall on our special day. Even in our churches we plan and execute activities that take away from enjoying and being with Dad (like meetings and setting up for VBS). We wouldn't even think about planning anything of the sorts on Mom's day. Mom's and Dad's both need to be honored and appreciated. My family honored me significantly yesterday. Mom is invaluable, but leadership and responsibility-physically, emotionally, and spiritually-are all placed on Dad.

My buddy, Chris Stevens wrote some good thoughts on Dad. Here is a short snippet from his blog: (Thanks for the thoughts, Chris)

I wonder why Mother’s Day is a huge deal and Dad’s Day comes and goes without much fanfare? Dads, do you ever feel slighted? Sometimes I think of us guys like Archie Bunker. That is not how God sees dads. I have never thought about it before, but He calls us the same title He gave Himself – FATHER!!! That is a big honking deal, don’t you think?

No matter what happens this Father’s Day we must never forget the power of the father! There is a reason that God placed the dad as the spiritual leader of the home. If a mother takes her kids to church, about 15% will continue to go to church after they are grown. If the dad takes the kids, about 75% of the kids will continue to go after they are grown.

Dads can affect their kids’ lives forever, for good or for bad! That is how God designed it. Here is another amazing fact I found today while preparing for the message this weekend. In Malachi 4:6 we see the mark of a major move of God. “The hearts of the children will be turned to the fathers and the fathers to the children.” I could think of a lot of marks of revival and never would I have come up with this. God did! Dads can change the world!

Beach Week Musings

Last week we had our annual Beach Week with our high school students in Panama City Beach, Florida. Amazing week! I love our students and love seeing and hearing what God is doing as a result of this trip. Instead of being redundant and posting a report, our Girl's Ministry Director, Lindsee Eddy (who rocked the Tuesday night message, by the way) has posted a great report of the week on her blogsite that I recommend you guys check out. Here's the link: