Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Jon and Kate . . . Not Doin' So Great

I stomached the premiere of Jon and Kate Plus 8 with my wife last night. Reluctantly. It was pretty sad.

First of all - who are Jon and Kate and why should I care?

I guess I care because they need prayer right now. I'm not a fan of the show, but my wife and kids are. I do know that alot of Christian couples have elevated them to a high place and now with a possible fall . . . well.

Instead of giving my extrapolation at this juncture, I have found a blog that really reflects where I am at with the whole thing. It's a worthwhile read to ponder. Go here to read it.

Why continue with a new season on the show? Why still go on book and speaking tours when your own marriage needs repair?
Why have your main focus on the kids when your spouse should come first? I know its only by God's grace it could be any of us and that there are extra stresses having multiples of multiples and that a whole lot of couples with multiples end up in divorce.

Hopefully they won't be another casualty of faith, fame, and fortune.


  1. I so agree with you here!! I pray that they will give up the show and allow their marriage to heal, none of us know them personally but yet we feel as if we do because they allow us into their home each week. I pray that they seek God's will in all of this, and let go of the fame if that is what it is going to take to keep that family together.

  2. Bingo! You nailed it.

    It seems that Kate's assumed the headship of that family. Not good... nor Biblical. Problems naturally ensue.

  3. ITA, JJ. I was blown away by Kate's full on pride about her anger. She genuinely seemed proud that she was that angry, as if anger is a right. As if love, acceptance and forgiveness are not far more paramount. I pray she can simply forgive. And then ask for forgiveness herself. She is not without fault.

  4. JJ, thanks for the link shoutout!

  5. Good observations, JJ. My heart breaks for that family- I just wanted to scream at Kate when she kept saying that her kids came first!! Big mistake!! Husband comes first. How awesome and what a testimony to the watching world if they got their priorities lined up with the Bible. And I can finally read your blog without locking up my computer!!

  6. Yep, they need to send the cameras home, jon needs to get a job and they need to find a christian counselor. And kate needs to stop tanning.
